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A member registered May 26, 2022

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Ok thanks. Glad to help. I do hope you can figure out how to get her butt jiggles to work properly I'm sure there's people out there who could assist you. If I think of anything else I'll write it down and try to get it to you when I can.

That's fine. So after having played for a bit I can safely say that we definitely need a few improvements to the game.

  1. a way to stop movement as right now our speed can easily get us killed if not careful.
  2. a way to more easily gather the currency scattered about the levels,
  3. an improved tutorial that explains all of the inputs needed to play the game it ok as is I just feel it could have a bit more polish as it were
  4. Perhaps some more weapon animations? Just so it looks nicer instead of repeating one animation over and over.
  5. This might just be me but I'd like Sapphire to also have jiggle in her butt as well. It doesn't have to be much just enough you can see and enjoy it.
  6. Can we have an option to give her back the hair she had in the demo? I thought it looked quite nice on her personally.

That's all I can think of at the moment though I'm sure more suggestions will come. Thanks for the game. Also one more question I've gone through a few levels but have yet to see these Sapphires we're meant to collect? So are they in the game or not yet implemented?

Ok understood, so the adult content isn't going to be too much then. That's fine it is more of a Sonic esque game anyway. Actually watching the trailer made me thing of Pseudoregalia. It's more platformer but still. I think I'll buy this should have lots of fun like I'm having in Pseudoregalia.

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Just in case anyone is wondering NO Dragon boss is not fixed yet she still can home in on the player. In fact she ended up in the kitchen and as I was coming up behind her she immediately turns around reacting to me even though she did not know I was there and started coming after me. I crawled away and hid in a locker after breaking line of sight and guess what she did? She beelines for that locker and grabbed me forcing me to restart.

It was then I knew the devs had done absolutely nothing to adjust her behaviors to where she's a challenge but fair and fun. I'm not at all against there being a challenge such as a predator like her or others but their A.I must be fair and balanced. Heck I'd love for there to be a female predator in the future. I'll keep trying to have fun but it's hard to when the game acts like this and I'm sure this was a problem in the past and yet it got fixed.

Edit: fixed spelling errors

I see sad to hear that it's backer only but thanks non the less Indivi. I'll take a look if I need it.

Ok thanks a lot. I hate to bother further but how do I unlock everything? I've seen images where the dinos nails are painted but I have yet to see such an option. I'm also curious if it's even at all possible to mate the female T-rex's anus or not. So far the only new thing I've discovered is giving them dumbbells to work out with though I don't know how to take them back if able or put them down. Anyway was just curious what else there was in the game I have yet to get. Thanks for the game and taking time to reply.

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Also if anyone has tips/tricks on how to play the game in 2d mode that would be great. I can figure it out on my own given time but help would be appreciated as the in0game info menu only goes so far. And I want to please the female T-rex right you know? In particular I don't know how I'm supposed to use the tongue option. But I'm trying to figure it out.

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Is the official site down or something? Can't seem to reach it as I get secure connection failed error. Also curious if there's any updates on the way as it's been a while.

Is there an updated guide for R60.0 version? Just asking as I have an old guide for R36.

I know about that I hear it a lot as the layout allows them to potentially see you from many angles een if you don't think they should be able to.

Putting this in a new comment so it's easy to see but I have the Patreon version of 0.6 but the Jello suit is missing from customization. Is it locked behind the secret shop or something?

Game is nice but I do have a few complaints.

Character movement feels very floaty like you're walking on water or ice and could use some tweaking, trying to get money either by picking up boxes, lube tube, or escaping is quite difficult even on easy in my experience as Kar keeps grabbing me (probably just my bad luck acting up)

It'd be nice if Kar/Mal0 would make some form of noise as an early warning system I mean we make noise any time we move.

Tutorial needs to be expanded upon to include all functions of the game. such as cutting wires, and that you can run with Shift key (I haven't seen anything telling the player about it)

And I wish the scenes actually ended in a climax. That's all I got for now otherwise it's a fun experience. Hopefully new levels and character models can be implemented in the future. Thanks for the game!

Yeah I know about that mod, so Dragon boss still hasn't been fixed yet? Well that suck. I barely managed to beat that level due to how hoe A.I is at the moment. Hope it gets sorted soon.

This isn't technically about the game but I find it frustrating and some what funny that when searching for the Vore tag this game and I assume many others don't show up.

So quick question. Has the Dragon boss relentlessly chasing the player as if they were an NPC been fixed yet or no? As otherwise if she spots you even once it's basically all over. Don't get me wrong it adds a big threat but it also makes that stage almost impossible to enjoy too.

I know and thank goodness to. Now there's going to be a lot of new stuff being added!

Awesome thank you so much Naelstrof! I hope this means the dragon boss and Player won't get stuck on small objects, corners and such as much now. Anyway I can't wait to see what everyone makes for this game.

Sorry to bother you Guy.person69 but there seems to be a slight problem with the mod. At least that I've encountered anyway. I went to the city after installing and now there's always 2 Dragon boss npcs roaming about and not even restarting seems to fix it. I'm not sure what to do so if you've any ideas please tell me.

Glad to see you're game is coming along DO! can't wait for it to be finished!

Ok I see. You can do as you wish I was only mentioning how it's sad that due to how Tawna was very endowed she was basically erased from existence yet everyone knows she was there and is now gone. Honestly I hope you'll let Crash get back with Tawna. I know if I was him I'd want to be with her again more than anything. Anyway thanks for taking time to reply to me. I'll see about trying out your game soon as I can.

Ok thank you for that. Will the content always be female only or will any males get to enjoy these ladies? I know Crash would like to be with Tawna again if Crash 4 it's about time is anything to go off of. I feel bad for him cause of that. If it weren't for people complaining about Tawna she'd still exist in his universe. What makes it worse they know she existed and is now simply missing.

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Yeah thanks I'll figure it out eventually thanks for the help. Also what kind of nsfw scenes does this game have what is the game's content about? I only ask as I don't know if the description spelled it out for me enough. Sorry for any bother.

Ah ok, maybe I need to try describing the characters I want drawn better? I'm still don't fully understand how it works fully yet. Thanks for the information.

Hey just curious what AI art generator did you use to make these pictures? I've only used Perchance myself and it works for the most part but generating pictures of specific characters like say Tawna Bandicoot or Sybil from Pseudoregalia (Highly recommend it if you like platforming and Metroidvania games) it's basically impossible as it doesn't know those characters. Meanwhile if you even type in just Digimon it gives you Renamon off the bat. I ask as I can't draw and the AI art generator you're using seems to be working very well as the artwork is quite lovely.

game is very cute but with no in-game tutorial it's hard to understand how to actually play the game. I recommend putting a guide either on the page or in a pinned comment or something. Either way looks fun just needs polishing.

I hope this is still being worked on I've beaten the game shortly after I bought it. I'd like more levels and such like everyone else as I want to see this game grow and improve. 
If the creator has moved on it's be a shame this game has a lot of potential.

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Ok recently got the game and having fun with it just got to Strong eyes. But I do have some minor complaints. I wish the lock on stuck unless you hit the button again, and I can't re bind keys for my gamepad as when I try to make R1 attack for example it switches the menu window. Hope this can be fixed soon. For now I'll make do with the default controls. Thank you very much for this game hope we can se Sybil in a sequel soon!
Edit: Apparently looking at Steam others are having controller issues too not just me. I know you're working on a fix so I'll wait patiently. What's gotten me a bit miffed is my brother can rebind keys and adjust the game window size just fine whereas I can not for some reason. Ugh, technology is great up until it decides not to work for no reason. I'm not pinning that on you just venting my frustration nothing more.

Aww, Awesome DO! Glad to have her on the team so we can interact with her more often. Don't get me wrong I liked her alot in the first game too but this is a nice improvement. Also just my 2 cent I had no problems with Jackalope. I loved her just as she was, that said the sexy magic amazon berserk mode is also welcome. Thanks for the game Do!

Game is nice and like what you did to Dragon boss. Though you won't easily see the anus alot of the time since she quickly goes around and fills her balls. Speaking of Dragon boss, she's still getting stuck easily on environments such as the boxes you stand on when using a glory hole in her level, door ways being too small or closing too soon when she gets big enough often trapping her, taking corners too hard, and npcs, and due to the way she pathfinds sometimes just stands in one location doing nothing. Sometimes npcs will walk into each other and take a while to correct. Honestly there's a lot left to do and I'm sure you're aware of most of these issues. Too many maybe even to post about but I can if you wish me to. Also hope there will be many more levels added. Anyway thanks for the game. I'll keep having fun with what we got so far till a new update comes out.

Just curious are the game sound files available anywhere? Just know it might be a while before i read or respond currently having to use phone as a hot spot as I'm waiting for Wabash communications to finish laying the fiber optic cables after leaving Hughesnet.

Hey all just stopping by to ask for help. It's been a long time since I played, in fact I had beaten the first game but I was hoping somebody could leave tips/tricks on places to level up throughout the game as even entering a new area/dungeon can result in quite a difficulty curve. Also I disassembled some blue gems in Karin town but couldn't use them again to make new gems. Is this a bug or intended? Thanks for any help with any luck this will get help for others too.

I haven't bought the game yet but I wanted to know where do I get mods for this game? I think I saw some on Nexus but wanted to ask in case there were other sites. Thanks in advance.

Oh! Nice, thanks alot for the Demo Do! Can't wait for the full game to release. I've enjoyed the original so this should be great!

Glad to hear you guys are doing ok and it's nice you got a Patreon going to help on the side. can't wait for the improved game and to see the girls again.

Figures I guess. I've never dealt with Twitter that i can remember and hearing this I'm glad I haven't. Sounds to me somebody abused their power and ought to be removed from that position, but as we all know that's likely not going to happen anytime soon. Anyway Hope you're ok otherwise and that you'r games are coming along nicely. So take care pal.

Looks interesting hopefully the stealth is good. If you want ideas on how to really nail that aspect look no further than Looking glass studios Thief games 1-3 not the new reboot, which, was ok but nothing like the originals. Anyway I earnestly hope this game is fun and you have fun making it the best it can be!

You go talk to Bessie during work hours at her Ice cream parlor and ask about work or helping out whatever the option is. From there you have to alternate squeezing her breasts to milk them but like I said I have no idea how to do it properly to actually get money thus I asked for help.

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I hate to bother but could someone better explain how to do Bessie's milking mini-game to me? I ask because it's new and wanted to make sure I knew how to do it right. Also are there any other mini-games I should know about? Thanks in advance!
Edit: Also which vehicle is the best, or does that not matter? Just curious.

Ok thanks for all that. I know my suggestions might not be do-able just ideas I had. And I was hoping I could change Jasmine's view of me since I had her relationship fairly high and she still admitted to seeing me as only fat for her butt and I'd rather she see me as a friend or lover.

Hey Loneclaw I had some questions I was hoping you could answer. I sadly have forgotten a lot of the girls names as I haven't played in a bit and I'm having trouble downloading the new update thanks to my satellite internet (Thanks Hughesnet) Anyway that all aside.

What's the purpose of buying a vehicle besides carrying more groceries?

Is there a way to change Jasmine's view of you from future fat on her hips to I love you, what about others like the Shark lady?

Are you going to change/improve Jasmine's facesitting scene from a black screen to actually showing a full on view of her butt cheeks? It's not very enjoyable otherwise.

Will options be added to the girls you can board with to ask them to vore you in various ways if you're affection is high enough. Say asking the Deer to unbirth you as an example? Or maybe give them hugs and such? Thought it'd be a nice way of them showing they care about your needs.

Could we have an option to make a meals for the girls we can stay with as example the Giraffe lady to dine with us at home? I know they're busy a lot but I think it'd be real nice to have scenes where you can feel like an actual couple with them and the Giraffe lady is just SO sweet I want to do something for her sometimes.

That's all I can think of for now sorry if it's a bit much I've just been thinking on these things for a time. Thanks at least for reading this and for your awesome game.